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Van Wey, Metzler & Williams

Types of Birth Injury

Exploring Various Types of Birth Injuries: A Comprehensive Guide

What Exactly is a Birth Injury?

A birth injury refers to any form of harm that occurs to a baby during or around the time of birth. Various types of birth injuries can be caused by several factors, including but not limited to:

  • Oxygen Deprivation: Also known as birth asphyxia, this occurs when the baby does not receive enough oxygen before, during, or immediately after birth.
  • Birth Trauma: This involves excessive pressure on the baby’s head or body, which can occur during delivery.
  • Infections: Contracting an infection during the birthing process.
  • Other Complications: Various other issues that can arise during birth.

While some types of birth injuries may be minor and have no long-term consequences, others can lead to permanent disabilities. These impairments can impact the child’s cognitive, emotional, and/or physical well-being.

Reducing Risk

Healthcare professionals can significantly reduce the risk of birth injuries by:

  • Adhering to established standards of care 
  • Closely monitoring the health of both the mother and baby
  • Promptly addressing any potential issues that arise during pregnancy, labor, and delivery 

If a medical professional fails to fulfill these responsibilities and their negligence results in a birth injury, they can be held liable for medical malpractice.

What Are Some of the Most Serious Types of Birth Injury?

While there are numerous types of birth injury, some of the most serious include the following:

Birth Asphyxia

Birth asphyxia occurs when a baby doesn’t receive enough oxygen before, during, or just after birth. This lack of oxygen can lead to hypoxia (reduced oxygen in the blood) and asphyxia (a more severe form of hypoxia affecting the whole body), potentially causing organ damage, including to the brain. 

Factors leading to birth asphyxia include problems with the umbilical cord, high or low blood pressure in the mother, insufficient oxygen in the maternal blood, or a difficult delivery. 

Prompt medical intervention can mitigate long-term effects, but severe cases may lead to conditions such as cerebral palsy or developmental delays. If your child has experienced this type of catastrophic injury, reach out to our knowledgeable birth asphyxia attorneys to discuss your legal options as soon as possible.  

Brain Injuries in Babies / Intracranial Hemorrhages (Brain Bleeds)

Intracranial hemorrhages, or brain bleeds, in newborns can result from birth trauma or conditions like hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. These hemorrhages are classified based on their location within the skull and can range from minor bleeding with no lasting effects to severe bleeding that causes significant brain damage. 

Factors that increase the risk include premature birth, low birth weight, and the use of instrumental delivery. Symptoms may include excessive sleepiness, seizures, and a bulging fontanel. Treatment and prognosis depend on the bleed’s severity and location.

Cerebral Palsy (CP)

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of permanent movement disorders appearing in early childhood, often caused by damage to the brain before, during, or shortly after birth. Factors contributing to CP include birth asphyxia, brain infections, and severe jaundice. CP affects muscle coordination and movement, but the symptoms vary widely. 

Some individuals may experience mild symptoms, such as a slight limp, while others may have severe symptoms, including an inability to walk or the need for lifelong care. There is no cure, but therapy and rehabilitative services can help manage symptoms. 

If your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and you suspect it’s due to a birth injury, contact our Dallas cerebral palsy lawyer right away. 

Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)

Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a type of brain damage that occurs when an infant’s brain doesn’t receive enough oxygen and blood. HIE can result from complications during delivery, such as umbilical cord problems or a prolonged delivery process. The condition can lead to a wide range of outcomes, from mild, temporary symptoms to severe, permanent impacts like developmental delays, cerebral palsy, or epilepsy. 

Unfortunately, our highly-experienced HIE attorney sees a significant number of these types of devastating injuries.  Early intervention, including therapeutic hypothermia, can sometimes reduce the severity of outcomes. However, even the smallest delay in implementing these procedures can reduce their effectiveness to almost zero.

Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL)

Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) involves the death or damage to the white matter of the brain near the ventricles. It’s most commonly seen in premature infants, where oxygen and blood supply to the brain’s white matter are inadequate. PVL can lead to motor disorders, including cerebral palsy, as well as potential cognitive and visual impairments. 

Early detection and intervention are crucial to managing the effects of PVL, though there is no cure for the condition itself. If you suspect your child has suffered severe harm due to medical negligence, our trusted birth injury lawyers are prepared to help.

Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS)

Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) occurs when a newborn inhales a mixture of meconium (the first feces produced by an infant) and amniotic fluid into the lungs around the time of birth. This can block the baby’s airways, making it difficult to breathe and potentially leading to lung inflammation and infections. Treatments may include oxygen therapy, mechanical ventilation, and antibiotics. 

Our knowledgeable meconium aspiration lawyers know what to look for when presented with these types of injuries. For instance, MAS is more likely when the baby is stressed, particularly if the delivery is overdue. Treatments may include oxygen therapy, mechanical ventilation, and antibiotics. 

Neonatal Hypoglycemia

Neonatal hypoglycemia refers to low blood sugar levels in a newborn and is most common in premature babies, those with diabetic mothers, or babies larger or smaller than average for their gestational age. Symptoms can include jitteriness, cyanosis, seizures, and poor feeding. 

Early detection and treatment are critical to prevent potential brain damage. Treatment typically involves feeding the baby frequently or administering glucose intravenously.

Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal cord injuries in newborns are rare and usually result from traumatic deliveries or accidents. These injuries can lead to varying degrees of paralysis and sensory loss below the injury site. The extent of the injury and the resulting impairments depend on the injury’s severity and location. Early intervention and rehabilitation can help maximize the child’s functional abilities, though some effects may be permanent.

Umbilical Cord Prolapse and Compression

Umbilical cord prolapse occurs when the umbilical cord slips through the cervix into the vaginal canal ahead of the baby during delivery, leading to cord compression. Compression of the cord can significantly reduce blood flow and oxygen to the baby, posing a risk of brain damage or death. Quick medical response, often requiring an emergency cesarean section, is crucial to mitigate risks to the baby’s health.

If you believe your baby has suffered serious injury or died due to a delayed medical response, reach out to Van Wey, Metzler & Williams. Our umbilical cord injury attorney has the medical and legal acumen to help you determine the truth.

Causes and Prevention

Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) & Birth Asphyxia

Birth asphyxia refers to oxygen deprivation at birth, leading to HIE, a form of brain damage. Factors such as umbilical cord issues, uterine rupture, placental abruption, and delayed delivery in the face of fetal distress can cause oxygen deprivation.

Traumatic Birth Injuries

Forces like pressure and torsion during delivery can cause traumatic birth injuries. Preventive measures and adherence to standard care can mitigate these risks. Emergency C-sections may be necessary in some cases to prevent trauma.

Birth Injuries and Prematurity

Premature babies are at a higher risk for birth injuries due to their underdeveloped organs. Proper care in the NICU is crucial to avoid further complications.

NICU Care and Prenatal Care

Adequate NICU and prenatal care are essential to prevent and manage all types of birth injuries. This includes proper feeding, managing jaundice, and monitoring for infections.

Obstetric Procedures and Emergencies

Proper management of obstetric procedures and emergencies is critical to prevent birth injuries. This includes timely C-sections, correct fetal monitoring, and appropriate administration of anesthesia and labor-inducing drugs.

Treatment and Support

While some types of birth injuries can result in permanent damage, treatments like hypothermia therapy for HIE can reduce the severity. Early Intervention programs and therapies can assist in maximizing the child’s development and quality of life.

Support for Catastrophic Birth Injuries

If your child has suffered a catastrophic injury due to medical negligence, it’s crucial to understand that you are not alone. Navigating the aftermath of such a profound event can be overwhelming, but help is available. At Van Wey, Metzler & Williams, we are fully prepared to advocate for the rights of your child. 

We understand the unique complexities and sensitivities involved in these types of cases, and we are committed to providing compassionate guidance every step of the way. With our extensive experience and unwavering dedication, you can trust that we will leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of justice for your child and your family.


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